5 Tips for Leveraging your Time on Social Media

Leverage Time on Social Media Management

Leverage Time on Social Media Management

Social media offers small businesses and solopreneurs networking opportunities by getting their name out to the specific target market.  These networking opportunities spotlight your business by getting your brand out to thousands of people.  But where do you find the time to manage your social media?  Don’t let the fear of wasting time on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter cause you to miss out on these opportunities to connect with your target audience.  Marketing and networking success is dependent upon a time management strategy.  To be successful using your favorite social media sites, there needs to be a plan in place to make the most of your marketing efforts without taking huge chunks of time out of your day.  I have put together 5 tips for managing your time:

  1. Make a Choice. Choose which social media networks are best suited to your target market.  I suggest choosing two; three at the most.  Narrowing down your choice of which networking sites you want to spend your time on allows you to focus on your target market. To get the most bang for your social media marketing buck, choose the sites where your customers spend time and then hang out there with them for a little while.  If you’re looking for networking opportunities, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are the perfect platforms for building an audience.
  2. Create a Schedule.  Take control of your own schedule.  Take advantage of a third-party application such as HootSuite to schedule your posts and tweets on various networks.  Facebook now offers a scheduling feature too.  Block out some time on Tuesday afternoon (or whatever time works best for you) to schedule your posts for the week or the month.
  3. Construct a To-Do List.  Managing social media doesn’t have to be a time-suck.  Allocate a specific time of day to respond to status updates, posts, mentions, retweets and direct messages and put it on your daily To-Do List.  Set a timer for the amount of time you have decided works best for you and stick to it.  For example, you might set aside 30 minutes in the morning each day to complete your tasks, or you might like to take 10 minutes three times a day to take care of your business.  It might also be a good idea to set aside 10 or 15 minutes for socializing on your personal Facebook page.  You want the time spent on these networks to produce results for your business.
  4. Plan Your Content Strategy.  Create a calendar for your tweets and posts and put your content there.  This allows you to spend an hour or two one day a week creating your updates, posts and tweets.  Then using your favorite scheduling method, schedule them to go out during the next week or two by simply copying from your calendar and pasting into your scheduler of choice.  See scheduling above.
  5. Delegate.  Social media is fun and it’s easy, but it requires time.  Consider hiring a social media manager to handle these tasks for you.  If you need help developing a social media strategy, I offer services creating and scheduling posts, status updates or tweets.  Please contact me at http://www.superstarsupport.com/contact-us/ to learn more about my marketing services.


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