Stellar Virtual Assistance when you need it -- website updates, scheduling, marketing support, professionally prepared documents -- just ask Marcia Greenley, 214-799-1416 (US Central Time) Follow @DallasVirtAsst
“Marcia was my personal assistant for many years. She was an outstanding team player. She consistently exceeded expectations and sought more responsibility. Her reliability and initiative are of the first order. Trustworthy, intelligent and hard working. I highly recommended her skills as a legal secretary and co-worker.” — Edward F. Walker, Former Partner at Cramer Weatherbie Richardson Walker LLP
“I found that writing a book was the easy part. Getting it ready to be published, that is another story. If it wasn’t for Marcia, my manuscript would still be sitting on my desk. She is professional, thorough and highly efficient. She brought a skill set that I did not have and allowed me to use my time more effectively. I highly recommend her.” — Mark Louis Rybczyk (Better known as ‘Hawkeye’ the Morning Host on 96.3 KSCS – Dallas/Fort Worth)
“Marcia is both personable and professional at the same time. She is extremely organized, efficient and always adds value to the work she produces. I was able to rely upon her 30 years of experience and didn’t need to micromanage her work. It was a pleasure to both work with her and learn from her as a young attorney. I highly recommend her to any professional who wants an outstanding virtual assistant on their team.” – Jenny Tatum Lee, Attorney
“Working with Marcia has been a great experience. She’s organized, efficient, meets deadlines, and offers solutions with the end results in mind. I look forward to working with her again, and I highly recommend her to any professional who wants an outstanding virtual assistant on their team.” – Kathy Goughenour, Trainer and Coach,
“Marcia’s organizational abilities, independence and experience allow me to move forward in my business. Whether it is closing out files, responding to a client’s needs, anticipating something before I do or just plain using common sense, I can trust Marcia completely with my work. Her years of experience in working with many different types of personalities allows her to adapt to individual styles as well. Anyone who needs this kind of help needs Marcia.” ~ Audrey Dorn Wilkerson, Owner/Founder, measured
“Marcia Greenley transcribed all of my Expert VA Training lessons. It literally saved me hundreds of hours. Even though I’m a good typist, when I tried transcribing one or two of them, it took me a long time because I didn’t have the expensive transcription equipment that Marcia does and I kept stopping to edit the content. If you need your training programs, teleseminars or radio shows transcribed, I highly recommend Marcia Greenley” – Kathy Goughenour, Trainer and Coach,
“Marcia was my personal assistant for many years. She was an outstanding team player. She consistently exceeded expectations and sought more responsibility. Her reliability and initiative are of the first order. Trustworthy, intelligent and hard working. I highly recommended her skills as a legal secretary and co-worker.” — Edward F. Walker, Former Partner at Cramer Weatherbie Richardson Walker LLP
Learn more about the virtual assistant services I offer.